Tips Before Starting Walking Plan To Lose Weight - Healthy Lifestyle

Tips Before Starting Walking Plan To Lose Weight

Have you ever set your goal for weight loss? If yes it is well and good. If no then this article will help you to lose weight, where you don’t even need to join any gym or take any membership in aerobics classes.
You can simply lose your weight by doing regular walking, as walking is more effective than jogging or running. Research says that people who walk regularly tend to loose weight than their weight than who spend their time in swimming, cycling, and running.

Is Walking Good For Health?

Research shows that walking can transform our body and mind. It is scientifically proven that walking can add an extra two years to our life. Walking continuously for an hour can reduce the belly by 20% in 14 weeks. Trekking is also another effective way of losing weight and keeping yourself fit.
A recent study found that women who walk continuously for 40 minutes for two or three weeks can reduce the chance of hearts stroke.

Here Are 5 Tips Before You Start Walking:


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Walking is one type of workout for every human body, it just strikes up your activity level which can put a strain on your muscle, joints and also to your heart. You can find significant changes in your body withing few weeks of walking.
If you are heart patient always consult your doctor before starting any kind of physical activity. Although walking is good for your heart as well but it is  better to be on safe side.

2. Make Sure To Take Good Pair Of Walking Shoes:

Pick up a good quality of walking shoes from the store, make sure your feet are comfortable enough in those pairs. The shoe must have enough cushioning. Too tight shoe can give you problem walking or running.
Walking shoes should be replaced every 6-9 months or up to 500 miles of running. If you are for walking 3-4 hours a week, then consider replacing your shoes in 6 months.
3. Set Your Goal Before Going For Walking:
 Set your goal of walking for a particular time or distance and try to reach your goal. If you are a first timer then dont be in a hurry, start by doing warm up and then just 10-15 minutes of walk. Slowly you can increase the time. This slow and steady ramp up will protect you from injury as well as lets your body to adapt to the change.
If at all you feel stressed by walking continuously for 30-60 minutes then break it into 10 minutes session each. This way your body is less stressed as well as same amount of calories can be burned.

4. Be Prepared For Pains And Aches:

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For all the first timers out there- no pain no gain. Be prepared for all the pain and aches. Doing a new routine can give a small amount of soreness in your body in the beginning, but slowly you will be fine. This pains can be cured if you apply ice pack on them.
If the aches occur around our joints rather than in our muscles then you can take rest for the day, and wear a knee cap around it. Even after applying ice on your body doesn’t solve your problem then you have to consult a good physical therapist for advice.

5. Make A Weight Loss Journal:


You can track your progress by making a weight loss journal, this way you will be motivated as you can see amazing results.  You don’t need to write how many steps you walked you just need to note how far you have walked and how much time it has taken for you to complete. Over time you will see progress not only in scale but also in your overall weight loss and fitness.
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